For each language course you will be confronted to the French culture and you will develop a cross-cultural competence.
But to complete your approach of the French cultural aspects we have developed a serie of workshops to get you closer to the life, the traditions and the ways of doing ” à la Française”.
Our corporate trainings last from 2 to 10 hours :
- Doing business in France
- Working in France
- Studying in France
- Sightseeing in France
You can find a complete description of each option from our menu : “Corporate Training”.
With these workshops you will be given a complete information to achieve your project in France. Thanks to videos, examples and testimonials you will feel immersed in the French environment.
Cross cultural training have become essential as the world is becoming a melting pot.
The benefits of cross cultural training are numerous and will increase your opportunities to achieve your goal in your domain by making you able to:
- Maximize your cultural sensitivity
- Understand the cultural values of other people
- Adopt the right attitudes for one’s business growth.
- Adjust with people from other culture
- Tolerate the cultural diversity in the workplace
- Minimize the misunderstanding based on cultural differences
- Understand nuances of verbal and nonverbal communication relevant to other cultures